
RipBot264-RipBot264下载 v1.19.1绿色版


[摘要]RipBot264 将MKV单纯重编码为对应PS3的MP4封装视频支持txt、srt、sub、ssa字幕安装了AviSynth 才支持AVS文件The RipBot264 application w...

RipBot264-RipBot264下载 v1.19.1绿色版

RipBot264 将MKV单纯重编码为对应PS3的MP4封装视频


安装了AviSynth 才支持AVS文件

The RipBot264 application was designed to help you convert your videos to the popular formats.

This small app written in Delphi is specially for people looking for something simple without exotic filters and unnecessary settings.

Added: Poster/Cover can be downloaded directly from GUI
Added: Option to increase (double) volume in center channel during downmixing to stereo
Added: Option to flag subtitle as Default
Added: Mouse click on codec icon opens mediainfo



  • PC版

关键词:  RipBot264  格式转换

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